Understanding the Strength of Lime Mortar vs Cement Mortar


Lime and cement both have their place in construction. However, lime is often overlooked as a weak and expensive building material. However, there are many benefits to a weaker mortar. But is lime or cement stronger? Generally, cement has a far higher compressive strength when compared to even the strongest limes. Cement can be over … Read more

What Is Fat Lime?


Lime is a highly versatile building material that has been used for thousands of years. Over the years, the terminology used to describe the different limes has expanded. This can make it confusing to understand, especially if you are new to lime building materials. So, what is fat lime? Fat lime is a synonym for … Read more

Can You Wallpaper Lime Plaster Walls?


Lime plaster creates a beautiful finish. However, some old lime plasters have been wallpapered, and you may be looking to replace them. Additionally, wallpaper may be a good option if a lime plaster finish isn’t exactly what you want. So can you wallpaper over lime plaster? Generally, you can wallpaper lime plaster walls, although lime … Read more

Is Lime Plaster And Mortar Sustainable?


Lime-based building materials have been used for thousands of years. From around the 1930s, however, they were replaced by conventional cement and gypsum mortars and plasters. With the climate change issue being forefront of many people’s minds, the following question is often asked. Are lime plasters and mortars sustainable? Lime plasters and mortars are a … Read more

Does Lime Mortar Absorb Water?

lime mortars used on a hamstone wall

Lime mortars and most other lime-building materials are extremely good. They not only help to protect the building and masonry of the building, but they can also help manage water within a building. A common question that often arises when lime mortars are used is; Do lime mortars absorb water? Lime mortars have high porosity … Read more

Can Lime Mortar Be Mixed By Hand?


There’s a lot of conflicting information on mixing lime mortars. In today’s building, little thought is given to the method of mixing mortar. Often the ingredients are tossed into a mixer, and that’s it. Whilst you can do this with lime, many people ask whether it’s possible to mix lime mortar by hand manually. Lime … Read more

How Long Does Lime Mortar And Plaster Remain Workable?


There are a few different types of lime, and they all set via different processes. This can make it difficult to understand how long a lime mortar will remain plastic and usable. In addition, certain lime building materials have shelf lives while others don’t. So, how long does lime mortar remain workable? Putty-based (fat lime) … Read more

Are Lime Building Materials Environmentally Friendly?


When choosing which building materials to use on a project, it’s becoming more and more important to consider how sustainable and environmentally friendly they are. There are many advantages to using lime as a binder in mortars and plasters. But are lime building materials environmentally friendly? Lime-based building materials such as mortar, plaster and render … Read more

Can Lime Plaster Be Used In Bathrooms?


Lime plaster and other building materials are among the oldest in the world. They have been tried and tested for thousands of years. But it can still be tricky to understand where and when lime plasters should and shouldn’t be used. For instance, can lime plasters be used in bathrooms? Generally speaking, lime plasters are … Read more

Does Lime Plaster Contain Asbestos?

asbestos-fibres closup

When doing modifications or repairs to your home, it’s always a worry that you may come across some asbestos. Some old plasters appear to have fibres in them that may concern some people. So does lime plaster contain asbestos? Lime plaster doesn’t contain asbestos. It is normal for lime plasters to contain fibres such as … Read more