Can Lime Plaster Be Repaired? A Guide for Restoration


Lime plaster has been a popular choice for building and construction projects throughout history due to its remarkable durability and sustainability. Although it is a highly reliable material, like any other construction material, it may require repair and restoration over time. There are several methods to repair lime plaster, allowing professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike … Read more

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Lime Plaster


Lime plaster has been used as a building material for centuries. It offers advantages and disadvantages worth considering for your next construction or renovation project. Being an eco-friendly option, lime plaster is a top choice for those concerned about their building materials’ environmental impact. Regarding its advantages, lime plaster offers durability and flexibility as it … Read more

What Render is Best for Old Houses? Lime Render Explored


When choosing the right render for your old house, it is essential to consider the building materials and construction methods used in the past. This will help you preserve your home’s original character while providing long-lasting weatherproofing. One of the most suitable choices for older properties is lime render. Lime render is a traditional material … Read more

Should You Paint Lime Plaster? Our Ultimate Guide


Lime plaster has become increasingly popular in recent years, but knowing how best to care for a lime plaster wall or ceiling can be difficult. Does it need to be painted? Lime plaster does not need to be painted. There are many lime plasters available which can be applied and left unpainted. Some lime plasters … Read more

The Best Type of Lime for Plastering: A Guide


From its beginnings as a building material used by the Ancient Egyptians to its modern-day use in plastering and masonry works, lime has been a construction staple since the dawn of civilization. But with so many types of lime available, how do you know which one is best for your plastering project? Generally, non-hydraulic limes … Read more

How Many Coats of Lime Plaster is Best?


Lime plaster is one of the oldest building materials used in construction, and its use dates back thousands of years. It’s a versatile material that has many benefits, such as being breathable and flexible, making it ideal for interior and exterior walls. But how many coats of lime plaster are necessary for optimal results? Generally, … Read more